Streamable content continues to increase in popularity every day. Videos are probably one of the most successful content formats out there. Hundreds of thousands of social influencers are fighting for the attention of people from all around the world. But how do you, a successful hospitality leader, grab their attention without creating streamable content? You need the perfect social media post. An organic article that combines strategic storytelling with answering the needs of your customers.
Success on social media is an important milestone that can’t be achieved without engaging your audience. According to Vanessa Miller, CEO of SocialProof.xyz, “the most successful social media post is a subtle combination of guidance, balance, cohesion, and engagement.” In the end, it doesn’t matter where you post your content or how long it is. What matters is that your readers are engaged and ready to take action.
Without further ado, here are 5 tips to improve your social media posts.
1- Call Your Followers To Action
Social media users are known for being easily distracted. One moment they’re scrolling through their newsfeed, the other they’re switching apps and doing something completely different. This is why you need to keep everything short and sweet. Let’s say you want to post an Instagram Story. The best option here is to offer them a call to action within the context of your post. You should keep in mind that in order to engage your followers, you have to offer them something they would be interested in. Give them a short preview of what they would gain if they would follow your call to action. Like a book preview.
2- Balance Your Words With Strong Visuals
You must have a balance between text and visuals in all your social media posts. If you come to think about it, the most successful social media posts are those containing infographics. People love seeing content that provides information through a combination of text and visuals. But you don’t have to limit yourself to posting only infographics. Think of Instagram for example. People are drawn to Instagram for the photos and images but they visit the stores mentioned in the description. On the other hand, Twitter feeds are filled with texts that will easily get lost if they’re not accompanied by visuals.
3- Be Consistent On All Platforms
It goes without saying that consistency is the key to success. I’m not just referring to the fact that you should post content on a regular basis. I’m talking about the fact that your tone has to keep the same level of professionalism from one post to another, regardless of the social platform you’re using. Switching your tone or your style from one post to another will drive people away rather quickly. Remember, your readers have a short attention span. Consistency causes them to become comfortable with your style and keeps them coming for more.
4- Build Engagement
Like all forms of content creation, social media posts must engage your readers. The content you publish must convince them that they need to be a part of the journey. Engaging them through your content has this effect. There are many ways to engage your audience. What’s important here is that you do it in a natural way. Forced engagement will discourage them from continuing to follow you. Instead, create natural engagement opportunities, through questions, comments, polls, and so on.
5- Strive To Understand Your Followers
Regardless of how many of these tips you follow, until you come to understand your audience, you will never be able to create an exceptional social media post. As a content creator, you must first understand your business and then understand your readers. Afterall, you’re writing content for them. You’re trying to keep them engaged. You’re trying to drive them towards an action, be it a purchase or a simple subscription. Without knowing what keeps them entertained, you won’t be able to create content that engages them.
Ref:: https://socialmediaexplorer.com